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TRAZER helps every body move better.

Brain Health is our game.

Aligned at the point where biology, technology, and data intersect, TRAZER was designed to rehabilitate, strengthen, and enhance performance. Today, TRAZER is used in healthcare, senior care, and sports - used at leading universities across the country. In fact, the last 9 National Collegiate Championship Winners all use TRAZER. Yeah, it's a thing.

The most unique feature of TRAZER, key in its ability to be predictive, prescriptive, and preventative is that TRAZER tracks, measures, and helps improve the Brain + Body connection.

So, in honor of the Super Bowl, our dedication to improving brain health, and our focus on helping every body move better, we're challenging the players, coaching staff, training staff, and medical staff of NFL teams to take the TRAZER 3 x 3 Challenge and take a few minutes to play for a good cause that's a no-brainer!

Let's Play!

Have Fun. Take One. Give Two.

Find us at the 36th Annual Leigh Steinberg Super Bowl Party

TRAZER will be with Neurologics in the BRAIN LOUNGE

Saturday, February 11, 2023  |  12:00 - 5:00 PM | Phoenix, Arizona


Who Can Participate?

Participation is limited to full-time employees of US  professional sports teams employed as Players, Coaches, Athletic Trainers, and/or Medical Staff. All participants must be 18 years of age or older.

See the Official Rules below.


What is the Prize?

The use of 3 TRAZER systems for 1 year as follows:

  • 1 TRAZER for the Winner’s personal use
  • 1 TRAZER for the Team or School
  • 1 TRAZER will be donated to a non-profit organization focused on Kids' sports and the health of the Winner's choice.
  • Onboarding, Support, a dedicated Customer Success Rep

How to Play

Eligible participants can stop by the Neurologics booth in the BRAIN LOUNGE at the 36th Annual Leigh Steinberg Super Bowl Party on Saturday, February 11, 2023, between 12p - 4p.

  • Complete the  TRAZER Drill: Math Add & Subtract up to 3 times; your best time and accuracy will be counted as your final entry.
  • The participant with the fastest time and highest accuracy will win the use of 3 TRAZER Systems for 1 year.

Official Rules: TRAZER 3 x 3 Challenge


Participation is limited to full-time employees of US-based professional sports teams employed as Players, Coaches, Athletic Trainers, and/or Medical Staff. All participants must be 18 years of age or older and must sign a Liability Release & Waiver.



The TRAZER 3 x 3 Challenge is sponsored entirely by Traq Global Ltd dba TRAZER, 28901 Clemens Rd #100, Westlake, OH 44145.

P: 440.835.9191

Agreement to Participate

By entering the TRAZER 3 x 3 Challenge, participants agree to these Offical Rules. At its sole discretion, TRAZER reserves the right to refuse, withdraw, or disqualify entries at our sole discretion. In addition, by their participation, participants agree to accept the decision TRAZER as final and binding.

Entry Period

Participants may register to participate anytime and complete their participation by completing the designated activity up to three (3) times before 4:00 PM Arizona time on Saturday, February 11, 2023, at which time the contest will be closed.

How to Enter

Individuals meeting the Eligibility requirements set forth above may register to participate prior to the event by completing the form below or on the day of the event by completing a brief registration form and Participation Waiver and Release form prior to beginning the designated 3 x 3 Challenge activity.

Click the link: Registration Form


The designated Winner of the 3 x 3 Challenge willl win the use of three complete TRAZER systems for 1 year as follows:

  • 1 TRAZER for the Winner's personal use
  • 1 TRAZER for the Winner's Team 
  • 1 TRAZER for a non-profit organization of the Winner's choice focused on Kids' sports and/or their health.
  • For each TRAZER system, TRAZER will provide in-person set-up and Onboarding, a dedicated Customer Success Representative, technical support, and advanced training via online media, live sessions, and materials.

The TRAZER system provided will be either TRAZER+ or TRAZER XP based on availability and at the sole discretion of TRAZER.

Odds of Winning

The odds of winning are entirely dependent upon the number of eligible entries.

Winner Selection & Notification

The TRAZER Team will do everything in their power to announce the Winner on or before Saturday, February 11, 2023, at 4:30 PM. However, in the event of any number of technical glitches that may happen, the Winner will be notified no later than 5:00 PM EST on Friday, 17, 2023.

In the event of a tie, a tie-breaker must be held prior to the close of the 36th Annual Leigh Steinberg Super Bowl Party.

Rights Granted by Participants

By participating in the TRAZER 3 x 3 Challenge, participants grant TRAZER the right to use any photos, images, video, likeness, statements about the contest, etc. for publicity, news, advertising, and/or promotional purposes without any further notice, review, consent, compensation, or remuneration.

TRAZER will clearly disclaim that participants' participation in the 3 x 3 Challenge, does not unless expressly stated by participants, constitute an endorsement of the TRAZER system.

Terms & Conditions

Participation in the TRAZER 3 x 3 Challenge constitutes participants' agreement to the following Terms & Conditions:

  • TRAZER reserves the right to modify, suspend, cancel, or terminate in the event that non-unauthorized human intervention, a bug or virus, fraud, or other causes beyond TRAZER's control impact or corrupt the security, fairness, proper conduct, or administration of the challenge.
  • TRAZER reserves the right to disqualify any participant that violates the terms of the challenge.
  • TRAZER reserves the right to pursue legal action and seek damages to the fullest extent permitted by law in cases where a participant has caused deliberate damage or undermined the challenge.
  • The Winner will be required to execute a 1-Year Agreement with TRAZER for the 3 TRAZER systems and will be subject to the TRAZER Terms of Service, however, the Agreements will be at no cost.
Limitation of Liability

Every participant will be required to complete a General Participation Waiver and Release Form stating as follows:

In consideration for being allowed to participate in a Demo or Trial of the TRAZER system and/or participating in the TRAZER 3 x 3 Challenge, on Saturday, February 11, 2023, I release from liability and waive my right to sue Traq Global LTD dba TRAZER and/or Neurologics, their employees, officers, volunteers and agents (collectively “TRAZER”) from any and all claims, including claims of negligence, resulting in any physical injury, illness (including death) or economic loss I may suffer or which may result from my participation in a Demo, Trial, and/or in the TRAZER 3 x 3 Challenge, or any events incidental to my Demo, Trial, and/or participation in the 3 x 3 Challenge.

I have read this Waiver & Release, and I am signing it freely. I understand the legal consequences of signing this document, including (a) releasing TRAZER from all liability, (b) waiving my right to sue TRAZER, (c) and assuming all risks of participating in a Demo, Trial, and/or TRAZER 3 x 3 Challenge, or any events incidental to my Demo, Trial, and/or participation in the TRAZER 3 x 3 Challenge. 

Regardless of whether participants sign the release, by their participation, participants agree to the release and waiver herein.

The Winner

Once the Winner is informed and has accepted the TRAZER Terms of Service and designated their team or school and non-profit organization of their choice, the Winner will be announced publicly via, social media platforms, and other public and social media.

Social Media

Information to promote and report the progress and results of the TRAZER 3 x 3 Challenge will be disseminated across a range of social media platforms. Doing so does not constitute an endorsement, sponsorship, administration by, or association with LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, or any other media platform where information may be posted.

Acceptance of and Agreement to Official Rules

By way of their participation in the TRAZER 3 x 3 Challenge, participants acknowledge they have reviewed, accepted, and agreed to the Official Rules.