Copy of Webinar - Mike Voight & Chris Wolfe The Deceleration Index - Is it the missing link in Rehabilitation and Athletic Performance


If you missed the LIVE discussion regarding Osteokinematics and ACLs with Tim Hewett, watch it now.


Thursday, January 11, 2024

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Industry & Technology Research.

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Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy Volume 43, Issue 11 Nov 2013 PAges 766-851

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About the Panel

Tim Hewett Webinar Head Shot
Randy Cohen Webinar Head Shot (1)

Tim Hewett

Professor of Orthopaedics, PhD, FACSM

Randy Cohen

VP Clinical Education, Trazer Inc. DPT, ATC

About Dr. Hewett

Timothy Hewett, Ph.D. is a Professor and Director of Research in Marshall University’s Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the School of Medicine.

Dr. Hewett is a “pioneering researcher, expert team builder, and collaborative leader” as stated on the plaque he received when Mayo Clinic presented him with an Endowed Professorship. He has held multiple leadership positions. which included the Director of the Sports Medicine Research Center, the Biomechanics Laboratories, and the Materials and Structural Testing Core at Mayo Clinic. He was also director of the Sports Health & Performance Institute at Ohio State University, Professor and Director of Sports Medicine Research at OSU, Professor and Director of the Sports Medicine Biodynamics Center at Cincinnati Children's Hospital, and an integral founding member of the Cardiovascular Institute there.

He has helped develop strong collaborative teams all over the world, including Australia, Holland, and many institutions across the US, He has given many highly impactful Invited lectures, including Keynote addresses from Australia to the Arctic Circle, and Grand Rounds at Harvard and Yale Universities. He has published over 500 peer-reviewed publications with 77,000+ citations and an h-index of 140+.

Dr. Hewett has had high levels of success in research funding from nationally competitive grants, from industry, and other sources as demonstrated by his past funding support of over $20 Million US. He has received numerous awards for “Paper of the Year” in various journals, including five “Most Cited Paper of The Year” in The American Journal of Sports Medicine. Dr. Hewett has trained over 100 clinician scientists and his trainees have gone on to major leadership roles at many prestigious clinical research institutions.

About Dr. Cohen

An early adopter of TRAZER for sports performance, Dr. Cohen served as Associate Athletic Director for the University of Arizona. Today, he works with TRAZER in the development of activities and advanced education. 

Dr. Randy Cohen retired as the Associate Athletics Director for Medical Services at the University of Arizona in 2023. He currently is the Co-founder of the Excellence in Secondary School Athletic Training Certification Program, Co-owner of the PhysioShop AT, PT, and Welllness Center, and Vice President for Elite Performance & Clinical Education at TRAZER.

Prior to his move to Arizona, Randy worked at Purdue University and the University of Notre Dame. Randy has a degree in Athletic Training from Purdue University, a degree in Physical Therapy from the University of Illinois- Chicago, and a Doctorate of Physical Therapy from Simmons College.

Randy is an adjunct professor and guest lecturer for numerous athletic training curricula. He is the former Chair of the National Athletic Trainers Association (NATA) College and University Athletic Training Committee. He was the Chair of the NATA Risk Management and Liability Assessment Toolkit workgroup.

Randy has given numerous presentations to the risk management and insurance association on managing concussions on college campuses along with numerous presentations on the treatment of concussions. He has worked with CDC on education for athletes with sickle cell trait. He was a participant at the 2015 UPMC/NFL Targeted Evaluation & Active Management (TEAM) Approach to Treating Concussions and co-author of the paper that came out of this summit.


TRAZER in Action

TRAZER strengthens the Brain+Body connection, enhancing physical and cognitive function regardless of age or level of physical capability.

TRAZER Football - ACLs, Concussions and other injuries

The TRAZER XP System

TRAZER UEFA Youth League